Two weeks is such a tease.
I finally feel like I’m part of life at home, and then it’s time to leave again.
I guess it is a reminder that this world is not my home, and I shouldn’t become comfortable here. I have all of eternity to rest and be at ease, so why should I take time now to do so? There is work to be done.
I am an alien and stranger on earth. Why do I contend with that so strongly at times? I want nothing more than to belong—to belong to a certain life; to belong to a home; to belong to someone; and yet I belong only to Christ. Christ is my only claim in this life—I have no other.
So, two weeks, a taste of Home—joyous laughter; a quiet night with beloved; deep rest; experiencing my father’s heart; blessing upon blessing upon blessing…
Oh God, remind me of the brevity of life and the importance of speaking for You with every word that is given me. This is not where I belong, and I have been called to live with eternity’s values in view. So let me not rest in a shadowy vision of what is to come—let me not make this my home. I don’t want to become content with a counterfeit happiness.
I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting, and I will hold onto Jesus for life.