Have you ever noticed that the darker it is, the better you can see the stars? Can you imagine what the stars looked like in the wilderness?
The Israelites wandered in the desert wilderness for forty years--led by the Lord, but neglecting Him. They swayed between worshiping the Almighty God with reverential awe, to cursing His name and pursuing idols--like a perverted waltz between two lovers... or three... or four. How many lovers did they turn to during those forty years? The Lord was undoubtedly with them, His presence visible through a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. In Numbers 14 we are told that God was seen "face to face".
Sometimes the Lord leads us into the wilderness for a season. It is dry, we complain, and yet the Lord faithfully makes His presence known to us--perhaps not through pillars of cloud and fire, but through the daily undeniable endowments of His love. Is the arm of the Lord too short to provide for us beautiful gifts, even in the desert? If only we would be wise enough and trust Him enough to look up and see them! Think about how incredible the stars would be in the wilderness; only in the deep, deep darkness would they be so luminous.
Next time you find yourself walking through the desert, make sure you look up. You wouldn't want to miss one of God's glorious gifts that He bestows on those He loves. And you know that He loves you. Even under affliction, even in pain, even when joy is hard to come by, He is still thinking of the ways that He can remind you of His irrevocable adoration for you, His child. Look up.