Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011

I got caught in a thunderstorm as I rode home from work tonight on my bike. The menacing clouds that had been building in the east finally let loose to water the thirsty earth. It didn't precipitate much at first—just enough that I couldn’t differentiate between the sweat and the rain drops on my face. In all honesty I wanted it to pour. I love getting caught in the rain, and a light sprinkle just isn’t sufficient. My family had contacted me, wondering if I would be alright in the storm or if I wanted a ride. In my stubbornness and love for a good challenge I declined their offers and set off in the midst of the thunder and lightning.
Sometimes I think I consider myself invincible. That’s probably not the best thing to believe about one’s self, and as I was pondering what the consequences of such an opinion might conclude (for example, getting struck by lightning in one of Florida’s mighty summer thunderstorms), God Himself thundered His agreement above with a huge lighting strike and thunderclap directly in front of me. It was enough to shake me back to reality and consider pedaling a little faster the rest of the way home—as I breathed out an “Oh! Okay God, protect me!” When I was within a few blocks of safety the heavens opened up and the downpour began. If I wanted to get soaked, I got my wish. I am happy to say that when I arrived at home with my family standing on the front porch to welcome me, grateful I was alive, I was drenched through—and rejoicing.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Expect It!
This is a saying that for years I have heard, but I have only begun to realize how little I live by it myself. Last week when I realized that the Lord had answered a few prayers in my personal life, I was surprised. Surprised--as if I didn't really expect Him to answer my prayers! It was then that it dawned on me that I pray with very little expectancy of God to actually give me what I have asked for. What kind of faith is that? The Bible gives us assurance that we can pray with great expectancy of God answering. In Mark 11:24, Jesus tells His disciples, "I tell you, all the things you pray and ask for--believe that you have received them, and you will have them." Also, in 1 John 5:14-15 we read, "Now this is the confidence we have before Him: whenever we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that He hears whatever we ask, we know that we have what we have asked Him for."
When we pray, we need to believe that the Father will answer our prayer, and give us what we have asked Him for if we are praying according to His will. We can know that we are praying according to His will if it lines up with Scripture, or if we are asking to be conformed to the image of His Son; that prayer He will always answer!
Since the Lord began to teach me about expectancy, and I asked Him for a greater measure of faith to actually believe what I am praying, I have seen Him moving in greater ways and asking me to move as well. With expectancy comes movement to see God's dreams fulfilled. William Carey had it right. This is my prayer for us:
God, give us an expectant heart--one that expects to see You come through as You have promised. We walk too reservedly. Help us to walk in a way that shows our expectancy of You to show up!
Rejoicing always, and praying for you,