On Friday night at dinner, my classmates and I were made aware that our Global Internship assignments were available to us--finally. After a mad dash upstairs to our mailboxes and some excited screaming and hugging, we all returned back to the cafeteria to finish our abandoned dinner and share with each other where we had been assigned for our Internships. I am excited to inform you all that next September I will, Lord willing, be heading to Thailand for 16 months!

I am thrilled about this incredible opportunity that I have to live overseas during my internship. I will be learning Thai (already starting to a little bit actually!), studying the culture, taking classes, and working among the Thai people to bring the gospel to one of the least-reached nations of the world. Please pray for me as I begin with my team to prepare for heading over there in 9 short months!
I will keep you all updated as more details come in for GI. Thank you all for your prayers, and please continue them. I am so grateful for your support! Blessings to you all :)
Rejoicing Always,
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