Aren't you glad that God gives good gifts? This week I have been reveling in the good gifts that my Abba has given to me--specifically the brothers in the Lord that God has surrounded me with. A couple years ago I did not know how to rightly relate with guys around me. My motives were twisted and I lived a compromised lifestyle (follow this link to read the story of God calling me to a life of integrity But by the grace of God, my youth has been redeemed and He has now blessed me incredibly with wonderful brothers who build me up, speak truth plainly to me, call me to higher standards, genuinely care for me, and love me despite my flaws.
I am humbled that the Lord would give me such good gifts after the way I have treated so many brothers in the past. It only tells of the forgiveness of my loving and gracious God, who is slow to anger, full of abounding love, and rises up to show me dazzlingly beautiful mercy. There is truly nothing I have done to deserve such love.
Good stuff! It's so awesome when we get a second chance when we don't deserve it! I know I appreciate the things and people in my life that I would have squandered and used to my own selfish ends in my past even more now than ever!