Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Running Water

Finally, I can hear running water. That only means one thing: spring.

It seems like it has been years since I smelled the rain and felt the sun, picked flowers and walked with soft grass beneath my feet. I know spring in all its fullness is still a ways off, but at least the signs are becoming more frequent. I can't wait for the day when I can cut through the courtyard of campus again--without snow boots on. I can't wait till I can sit outside and read, listening to the birds singing their love songs and feeling the warm breeze on my skin. Already I've started wearing my spring clothes--beckoning it to come faster--as if I had some say in the change of seasons.

I'm ready for spring in my heart to come too. The winter has been long, and the wilderness has been rough on my heart. I need light, I need a new view, I need more Son! God, in His gentle way has spoken to me that He has me in the wilderness to learn how to sing and hope in the valley (Hosea 2:14-15), not only when He has brought me into a peaceful place. It is a difficult lesson, but one I am willing to learn if it means new growth in my heart. He is pruning away everything that is not of Him (Jeremiah 5:10) in order to bring new life. I am eager for that new life, because I need some growth in my life. How good He is to never be content with our unholy state--but to do whatever is necessary to make us perfect.

I am looking forward to the day when I hear water running through the desert.

Until then, I will keep rejoicing.


1 comment:

  1. That picture is of a famous graffiti artist named Banksy...dope. good post too
