A tender hand to lift up your face when you are downcast, and to wipe away the tears—tears that not only you cry.
A friendly hand to grasp your own and walk with you—forbidding you
to ever walk alone.
The voice of a most ardent lover, whispering declarations of love into your ear—declarations that can never be denied or found to be false.
The voice of a loyal friend, laughing when you laugh, weeping when you weep—echoing the sounds of your soul.
The sweet voice of kindness singing over you and with you, making music out of a rejoicing heart.
Protective arms enveloping you in a strong embrace—shielding you from the fierce dangers of a cruel world.
Dependable arms lifting you out of harsh waters as they threaten to steal your life away.
Comforting arms reassuring you, and confirming the love that the words already spoke.
What passionate eyes gazing in the same direction as yours!
What mesmerized eyes, captivated by a single glance of your own… and longing for another. Just one more.
What beautiful eyes—your own reflecting their depth and splendor....
Do you know this love?
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