Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thoughts on what's to come

This current season of my life is rushing breathlessly towards the finish line and I am finding my mind being drawn towards thoughts of the future and the great unknown. I’m excited, not fearful, expecting great things for the next season, just as these last 3 years have been full of journeys I never imagined, and wouldn’t trade for anything. I’m an adventurer, and just as this last scene of my life has been played out away from home and familiarity, I’m dreaming of the next scenes, and they, too, are on strange stages with strange people.

Perhaps in the morning I’ll think otherwise. I miss home, and I long for the people who make life worth living, but I don’t think I was meant to always live close by the ones who I love the most. I’m a dreamer—I look forward to the next thing—and am particularly excited about this next step; I’m about to enter into the “real world”.

Okay, so it’s still a year away, but I know very well how fast a year goes. Hellos, goodbyes, plane trips across the sea, senioritis and graduation will all happen before I know it, and then I’ll be driving away from the place where I lived most of four years and wondering what happened to all the time I once had.

But that’s all still yet to come. For now, I’m enjoying the place that I’m in, and enjoying the person that I am in this place; I know it will only last another 6 months. Dream—that’s good. But wake up where you are now and live.

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