Hello to all who may be reading!
This is my first attempt at ever having a blog so-- here goes nothing! I thought it would be a good idea to have a blog that I can update regularly (hopefully I'll actually update it regularly... no promises!) while I am away at school and living life apart from so many of my friends! You might be thinking "Isn't this a little belated?" seeing as I've already been away to school for a year. Yes, you are right. I considered it last year and just never got around to making the blog, so this is a step in the right direction.
For those who may not know, I am getting ready to return to the beautiful city of Bloomington, MN in 4 weeks from today in order to begin my sophomore year at Bethany College of Missions where I am majoring in Intercultural Studies. It is a missionary training program of four years, and I am stoked about returning for my second year! The Lord did great things in my life during my previous year at BCOM and I know He has much in store for me this year as well.
However, I'll not go into too much more detail on that matter since this is after all my introductory blog and not my life story! I hope that you find enjoyment in keeping up with my life away from home and hopefully I'll give you plenty of reasons to continue reading my posts (as in..... they're actually interesting!). For now, this is all. Goodnight, God bless, and I look forward to posting again and keeping you all up to date on my life!
Rejoicing always!
Would you post a reminder on FB when you update your blog? Blog - good idea! Aunt Berta