Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let Me Share My Joy

Tonight I'm smiling simply because the Lord is good to me. Do you ever just sense His delight in you in a way that can't really be expressed except through smiling or singing? That is how I feel tonight. I feel delighted in. I keep thinking of the verses in Psalm 16: "LORD, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance" (verses 5 & 6). Oh how GOOD the Lord is to me!

I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions over the past week, but have come out from them all with an incredible peace that passes understanding. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! God has brought me to some things in my life right now that I never once imagined myself ever experiencing. What do you do when God brings you to a point where you can do absolutely nothing but rely on Him? Declare your total dependence on Him and thank Him for the opportunity to trust Him!! At least, that is what He has been asking me to do! At this point I won't go into too much detail of what all I am experiencing... but if you really wish to know send me an email or message on Facebook. I'll be happy to give more info there. =) Throughout this week God has blessed me with an abundance of peace and joy and I just needed to share that with you all. How great is our God!

In other news, in only two and a half weeks I move back to Minnesota! This time last year my room was in total disarray as I prepared to move my belongings north. This time around, I haven't touched a single thing in preparation for moving and probably won't until the week before I leave. Let's just say I've learned how to move a little more efficiently and won't be tearing apart my bedroom in order to move it this time! My excitement is growing each day, though I am not at all looking forward to saying goodbye to my family and friends.... it seems like I just moved home and now I'll be heading out once again! It is only "easier" to do so because I know that I have been called to this life that I lead by no one less than God Himself!

I ask that you join me in prayer during this time! Pray for:
:: my boyfriend who is leading a mission trip in Honduras right now. Pray that the Lord would touch many lives!
:: myself as I continue to work and save money. Pray for opportunities to speak into the lives of my coworkers, and continued provision of all I will need to cover my costs while I am away at school!
:: all the little details of moving to work themselves out (once I actually begin that process!)
:: continued peace and joy as I seek FIRST the Lord and His righteousness!

Rejoicing always!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your thoughts and what the Lord is showing you! I love you and I am praying for you always!

