Saturday, December 29, 2012
Re-Entry: On Sadness
"To love at all is to be vulnerable." - C.S. Lewis
That quote just came to mind after my tears finally stopped tonight. The sadness is heaviest tonight; I've been inconsolable by my precious family who hates to see me so sad. I hate to be so sad, but I know I must grieve. If I do not allow myself to feel the pain of leaving behind a part of my life that I'll never get back again, it will be worse for me later on, and I might make rash decisions based on emotions rather than the leading of the Lord. I needed to cry tonight -- to really feel the pain out. I think that my siblings were disappointed that they couldn't cheer me up, and that I didn't want them to try; they said that maybe they felt like they weren't good enough. This has nothing to do with them, but of course they can't really understand that. Satan would have me believe that feeling such sadness is wrong, and that I should feel guilty for it. No! It's not wrong -- it's part of what I must face and walk through.
I loved. I loved hard. I loved the people, the culture, the language, the food, the imperfections. I made myself vulnerable because I loved deeply. Now I'm feeling the affects of that vulnerability, and it's good. If I were not sad, my whole life in Thailand would have been a fraud.
It's okay to feel, Jules.
And after the deep cries, remember your God and find your contentment in Him. Give thanks to Him for where He has brought you today.
Your life has been ordained by infinite love and mercy....
"Only goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life..." Psalm 23:6
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday Night
It's easy to feel discouraged when the girl who you've spent the last several months befriending and loving is pole dancing--leaving nothing to the imagination of the man she is swaying over. Literally, there was nothing that needed to be imagined. He didn't ask for the show, she gave it freely. No, she'll tell you, she doesn't like her job; but when you're out with her in the mall and a handsome stranger walks by, her words are blunt: "I want to f--- him."
Some people might say I'm wasting my time with her.
And honestly, in those moments of trying not to watch her display her entire body in an exotic dance in the bar, there is the temptation to feel like I have wasted my time. "Maybe these past 8 months really have been for nothing". The quiet lies are easy to believe.
But my time hasn't been wasted. I know it. I have not spent 8 months loving her with my own human messy love--I've been loving her with the endless, limitless, measureless love of the Almighty God, and that love changes lives. So whether I get to see her respond to that love or not, I know that it doesn't just fall into oblivion. I believe God's love doesn't return void.
I'm still praying that she'll find the True Love that she is longing for.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
the home dilemma
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thoughts on the Remaining Five
I so often don't feel "cut out" for missionary life for the rest of my days, but God uses the weak to shame the strong, and I am most definitely a weak vessel. Simple obedience and courageous willingness are all that the Lord needs from me -- not wisdom or talent or a more intriguing personality. He knew exactly who I was when He called me, with all my quirks and weaknesses. He is not surprised or disappointed with who I've "turned out to be". I am enough in Him.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Morning Thoughts
My thoughts are numerous today, and I'm not sure where to begin, or if I even should. I haven't had much time to process things lately, to write down my thoughts and feel clarity once again organize the mess of jumbled emotions and ideas in my mind. Last night I went to bed exhausted but unable to sleep, my thoughts running to and fro across my mind and across the world. I was angered by the reality of the red light district--having just spent an evening in a bar visiting my friends. I was distressed by sentimental emotions, remembering and missing someone who I thought was going to be in my life forever, who now is not in it at all. Just those feelings alone were enough to cause tears to find my pillow in the darkness.
I'm not sure how to deal with all the things that I see and feel on a daily basis. But I know from experience that His grace is sufficient, so I am not allowing my emotions to run my life, but instead trusting that He cares for me so my burdens are being cast on Him this morning.
That being said, it's time to check the muffins. And take a shower. Clarity will have to wait for another day, but at least I have a wonderful Guide to lead me through this Wednesday with perfect faithfulness.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Smells I will Miss
-rice cooking on my morning runs
-spices that catch in your throat and cause a whole restaurant full of people to start coughing
-fried squid (okay... I lied, this is one smell I will NOT miss. It gets caught in your helmet when the visor is down as you drive and then all you smell is squid. I'm not a fan.)
-incense burning
-exhaust as I drive (it sounds weird... and I dislike exhaust now, but I bet that in 2 months when I'm no longer driving my motorbike behind stinky tuk-tuks I'm gonna be missing it
-Thai tea
-clean laundry hanging out to dry on the street
-Thai food in general
-the leelawadee flower's beautiful scent
Monday, October 1, 2012
Stepping Away
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
What God is NOT
God is not surprised by anything that happens.
God is not scared.
God is not wondering how to defeat Satan.
God is not questioning His plan. It's perfect.
God is not off His throne.
God is not thinking of abandoning His people.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
"Another day of weariness. I feel as if lately I have not been doing much to expend emotion, and yet, I feel so emotionally worn... I keep craving home--family, best friends, comfort, time to process, no demands--it's a romanticized version of the real thing, but it again appears to me as the escape hatch. I feel too tired to press through two more months of the same thing. I'm tired of seeing my friends struggle--I want Truth to reign in their lives. I want to see God win in a BIG way. But Julie, are you unwilling to see the little battles that He wins? It's always a process. You aren't going to see your friends saved and sanctified all at once. Are you willing to stand beside them through the process? Are you willing to fight the battles with them? God is patient with them and with you. You must also be patient with them and with God. Love is never tired of waiting. Your head knows so well to not grow weary in doing good. You must also train your heart. You must make strong the weak places; you must keep your head up; you must keep your gaze fastened on Christ.
You're stronger than this. You are a fighter, an over-comer, a winner. You will not be defeated -- He promised.
...You know what won't satisfy your longings? Your Mama, Brielle, a strong man's comforting arms around you, R, a change of scenery, a change of lifestyle, compliments, adventure, your own bed back in the US, sleep, coffee. These things won't cut it. You know what will? HIM. He will. Your ความหวังเดียว. Be courageous! Even if courage is simply smiling instead of allowing weariness to cover your face, that is enough. You have a beautiful inheritance. You are the daughter of a King. Is that not worth smiling about?
In you, O Lord, do I take refuge; let me never be put to shame! In your righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline your ear to me and save me! Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come; you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress... For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth....forsake me not when my strength is spent... But I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more. Psalm 71:1-14
Put your hope in Him, oh my soul. Head up. Heart strong."
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Going Halvsies!
I think their reasoning is two-fold. 1) They tell me พูดชัด -- you speak Thai very clearly. And 2) I simply look Thai!
Alright.... I'm okay with that!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Farther Along
My little sister shared this song with me today, and I thought it worth passing along. Listen to the words... This is my heart right now--learning to trust the Lord with all things in my life, knowing that "farther along... we'll know all about it.... we'll understand why...." Enjoy.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
personality test
Rather accurate, I must say!
Introverted (I) 57.14% Extroverted (E) 42.86% Sensing (S) 65.63% Intuitive (N) 34.38% Feeling (F) 55.17% Thinking (T) 44.83% Judging (J) 63.89% Perceiving (P) 36.11%
ISFJ - "Conservator". Desires to be of service and to minister to individual needs - very loyal. 13.8% of total population.
Personality Test by
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Things I Won't See
I genuinely love my life in Chiang Mai, though at times during this internship I have encountered some of the most challenging circumstances of my life. The heights and the depths. It's all beautiful.
I've decided to tell you a few of the things that will be strange for me to not see once I leave the country. Reverse culture shock will be quite the adventure I'm sure. Here are things that I will miss seeing once I'm back in the states:
-orange-clad monks everywhere
-four people riding on motorbikes
-every single student in uniforms--from pre-school through 4th year of university
-signs in Thai
-adorrrrable little Thai children
-street vendors
-pick-up trucks full of people
-at least three 7-11s on every street
-motorbikes ruling the road
-green Thai mountains
-squatty potties... (yes, I like them...)
-this is obvious, but... Thai people in general. I just LOVE Thai people!
-elaborate Buddhist temples
-hole-in-the-wall restaurants
-night markets
I could probably list forever... But then I wouldn't get any sleep. =) Let's just say that I'll miss this place...
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Empty Holidays
White strings are seen worn by all around the wrist--a sign that they have already gone to the wat and been blessed by a monk. If only they knew that all the hope they are searching for will not be found in a trip to the wat.
Oh God give me the grace and wisdom to know how to bring your Truth to the Thai people!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
I don't want someone to tell me to keep on going. I know to keep going. I know to not grow weary of doing good. I know to keep my eyes on Jesus. I know. I'm just tired. My heart is tired of feeling the pain of so many and having so little ability to ease it. My eyes are tired of seeing so many things as I fly around trying to accomplish while I don't have time to appreciate. My mind is tired of opinions and no right answers. My spirit is deprived of it's source of Life.
But what can I change?
I don't like deadlines.
I don't like lists.
I don't like orders.
I don't like my attitude.
But there is only one thing in that list I can change. Pray for me.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Thoughts on the worst feelings in the world
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Fighting in the Spiritual Realm
I came home from teaching today and wept. My heart was so broken for the girls in our CHANGE program who are hearing the Truth, but for some of them, really struggling to accept it. This week they are studying inner healing and it is very difficult for them to face. Satan, also, is attacking from all sides, blinding these ladies to the Truth that is being presented to them.
I was so weighed down by it all that I could only cry, and Kayla and I then fought in prayer on behalf of the girls, and especially M, who is returning home, though we do not know for how long. I think she is in part running from God and the things He is wanting to heal, though just the other day she told me she would try to believe. I so want to be able to do more, but feel like I need to just fight in prayer more than I've been doing. I read yesterday in Colossians -- "devote yourself to prayer". I am far from having a lifestyle devoted to prayer, but my eyes are being opened more to the fact that this is a spiritual battle that is raging, and we will find victory over the powers of darkness in the place of prayer.
Satan will be defeated.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Thoughts on what's to come
Monday, June 18, 2012
A Truth Letter
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Prayer Fuel
Eph. 6:19, 20 "Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel... Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should."
It encourages me that the apostle Paul was asking this for himself. It's easy to think that sharing the message of the gospel was a piece of cake for him, when really that's probably not the case.
Isaiah 50:4 "The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are instructed to know how to sustain the weary with a word."
So often I feel like I lack the proper words to say in my line of work (what do you say to prostituted women??), and would like wisdom to know what they need to hear. I want to have the words of the Spirit to sustain them, not my own.
Proverbs 4:23 "Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life."
My heart is quick to fly to anything that appeals to it; I need help in guarding my heart above all else.
The prayers of a righteous person avail much (James 5:16). So never doubt the power of your prayers. :)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
The title of this post is the name of a 3-month long transformation program that Love Acts is now doing. It is for girls who have decided to leave the bars and want to make changes in their lives. With this program comes Bible studies, English classes, and job training, and our greatest desire is that these girls will find the love of Christ transforming their hearts! We currently have 5 girls participating in the program, all of whom have left the bars in search for something better. The topic for Bible study this week is their identity in Christ--a very important subject for everyone, but especially for these girls who have been labeled and defined by their jobs in the bars by family and society.
My biggest role currently in the CHANGE program is teaching English. Along with my ministry supervisor, I am putting together lesson plans that include daily vocabulary and grammar (teaching grammar in a different language is hard!). Right now I am teaching three days a week, and in the future we'll see what happens (my role changes quite frequently--it's all about learning flexibility and faithfulness where God places me for however long!). I love to teach, so I have really been enjoying my afternoons with these girls, even though it is difficult to teach with my limited language ability. I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know these beautiful ladies and have a part in seeing their lives transformed.
One of the girls has already put her faith in Jesus Christ, and there is another who is very quickly on her way. Yesterday our vocabulary lesson was on religion and I asked her what she believed. She told me, a little timidly at first, but then with greater boldness, "I follow Jesus!" I don't know if she has actually made a decision to surrender her whole life yet, but the Holy Spirit is clearly after her heart! Please pray with me for all 5 of these girls--that their hearts would be soft to the Lord and that He would truly transform their lives. It is nothing we can do, but only the work of the Spirit!
Monday, May 21, 2012
That Old Familiar Feeling
Monday, May 14, 2012
Resting between His Shoulders
I soon thought of Deuteronomy 33:12 which says, "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders." Just as N rested between my shoulders, allowing me to carry him and be strong for him while he was tired, so also the beloved of the Lord rests between His shoulders in their moments of weariness, and the Lord carries them. This became my prayer for N, and continues to be so.
May you know the Lord's strength and desire to be your shield today. Rest in Him, because He loves you and has never called you to walk alone: "Behold I am with you always..." (Matthew 28:20).
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Thoughts on Kicking Overwhelmed-ness to the Curb
Monday, May 7, 2012
Little Boys
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
At the Seaside
The last day and a half have been sun-drenched and salty, wind-blown and smelling of the sea. Holly and I have been 'sitting in sunshine, calm and sweet' both figuratively and literally, and our happy hearts and my burnt legs are the proof of it. We have been delighting in every moment, kissing the joy and soaking in the timelessness.
Our days together so far have consisted of sitting on the rocks and watching the waves crash on them, sitting on the dock and watching the boats go in and out, the fishermen delight in their catches, and the sun make its fiery pink and orange decent. We've listened to the waves roll in, to jazz music, and to each others' lives--catching up on the state of our hearts after 7 months of separation. We've eaten expensive fruit, spicy Thai dishes, and ice cream--sharing every meal to keep the costs (and our weight ;)) down. While the tide is out during the day we sit on the beach and laugh. While the tide is in at night we sit on the rocks and watch the stars and the lit up boats on the water and share the deeper parts of our hearts -- the places reserved only for a best friend.
We don't make plans--just let the day unfold--and in doing so experience the day slowly, having the time to enjoy every beautiful thing that comes our way. It's lovely. This morning we've sat drinking coffee and reading our Bibles while this small beach town bustles about in a relaxed sort of way. We have no idea what the rest of the day will hold, but that is just the way we like it; every moment is an adventure.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
From My Heart
A Blessed Week
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I love quiet mornings. The mubaan is a peaceful place early in the day, contrary to the bustling main road just up the street. The birds in Thailand sing very sweet songs; they remind me of Springtime in Erie, PA. Chiang Mai, however, has skipped spring and gone directly to summer. Today's 100* temperatures and dry air will testify to the lack of spring, though it is still only March, and the world is still more brown than green after three months without rain.
In only nine months I will return to the states and live a very different life from what I am accustomed to here. I daily miss my family back home, and the family of friends I have at school, but I am not thrilled about going back to America. I love Thailand and really can't imagine living anywhere else right now. But the Lord takes us in and out of seasons and I will follow where He leads.
My heart has been in and out of seasons, too. Both dry and rainy, sunshiny and cloudy. How wonderful though that my God is faithful throughout them, and that because He is at my right hand I will never be shaken. I'm holding tight to His hand and learning how to rejoice in the midst of difficulty, looking at His face instead of at the trials that attempt to consume me. “For I am convinced that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and courageous. Wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:13-14) Therein lies my hope.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Yesterday 0ur team put on an 'Amazing Race' for the short term group that has come from the states. My station was in the market, and as I sat I observed and wrote. You can tell when I went from writing about things that had already happened to things that were happening in the moment; I switched tenses. :) Here it is--mostly unedited (I had to fix spelling mistakes haha) raw thoughts:
"In the market I sat next to a kind woman with a laugh as big as she was. She gave me a stool to sit on near her strawberry stand -- perhaps out of kindness, perhaps to keep me out of the way of the foot traffic of hundreds of people going in and out of Seven. I still wish I had counted just how many people came through the door in those 4 hours. Beyond the big woman was an old lady who sat hacking at fish with an axe on a wooden stump, smoothed into a cutting board. It looked to me that she had learned to purse her lips to prevent raw fish pieces from flying into her mouth. Her gut-stained apron told me there were plenty of flying fish remnants to avoid.
Before the kind lady offered me a seat on her stool I had been somewhat rudely evicted from my perch on Seven's steps. That lady didn't seem to care that if she moved me it would not be for the greater good of everyone desiring a Slurpee or a cold water on the hot afternoon; she had a shop to set up and I was in her way. Okay, so I'll move, I said to myself, inwardly offended that she didn't care about the very good reason I was in her way. Her apples looked good, but I might have vowed not to purchase from her due to her unkindness to me. Not exactly the Biblical thing to do perhaps, but I wasn't hungry anyways.
I knew they were talking about me, but not understanding enough of the conversation or knowing enough Thai to defend myself I sat in silence and prayed for my friends to come quickly so I could just leave.
The woman with the fishy apron went out to the middle of the street and poured a bucket of bloody fish gut-filled water down the sewer drain. I'll take that as a warning to never step on sewer drains in the market-- you never know what guts might get stuck to your shoe. I can't imagine doing her job, but I guess that after so many years of fish parts flying your stomach can handle anything.
The sun is getting low, but for the 4th week or so there will be no decent sunset to marvel at. Chiang Mai's hazy skies only get hazier as the weeks go on, the only consolation being that as summer approaches the blazing sun's power is lessened and the days are slightly cooler even as each day is warmer.
The sun drops... one group of friends left to arrive and then I can turn the market over to the ladies that claim it, whether kind or rude. I'm sure they're tired of seeing my face, pretty as they thought it was originally. Even pretty faces can be a nuisance, and this one has stuck around for 4 hours -- my departure is long overdue.
With the sight of every new tuk tuk I am hopeful, only to be 'pid wang' (disappointed) as they drive by empty, save the wrinkled man with his cigarette looking for someone to pay him too much for a ride home. Praise the Lord I drive a motorbike!
I need to get out of here before the entire market comes out onto the streets and the road becomes impassable. We're already 30 minutes overtime -- I doubt our drivers are pleased. They'll probably want an extra hundred baht for their trouble, and I would too. The evolution of this market is incredible. The strawberry lady has moved her produce onto the street and is making way for a new vendor to take her spot selling grapes. My stool has long been gone and my legs are tired and my back aches. My "evictor"(yes, I made that word up) is calling out to all who pass 'sao baht' -- northern Thai for 20. She adds a 'jow' to the end of each sentence -- also northern Thai. I never know when to use northern Thai and when not to. And I want some grapes. I won't buy though; I'm still not hungry."
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
A Jar of Clay
I watched the bright orange sun fading into the western smoggy sky today as I drove home—wishing I were in a tall building somewhere to watch its decent, rather than driving and supposed to be paying attention to the road. I pondered the fact that I was watching the sunset while driving a motorbike in Thailand, and considered how unlikely it is that this is my reality. Little Julie—shy, stay by mommy's side little Julie—lives in Thailand, and works daily with prostitutes in the bars. It's not that now I'm adventurous and brave and some kind of super-person. Over the years I've grown and matured; I've changed from what I used to be into what I am now. But I still daily breathe a prayer for courage, and ask for help and wisdom. I don't know what I'm doing, I just follow One who does. That's all.
I still cry at night when I miss home. I miss the protection of my daddy. I would rather eat pasta than rice. I struggle. I fight. But I'm learning to count the cost of following my Jesus, and I'm finding that it is so sweet to just trust Him.
Tonight is quiet, and I'm quieting my heart as well. “Don't be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord's salvation He will provide for you today... The Lord will fight for you. You must be quiet.” (Exodus 14:13,14)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Grey Hairs and Twitching Eyes
I can’t decide if I’m stressed or simply getting old, but whatever it is, symptoms are rapidly increasing! For the last two months I’ve been pulling out grey (actually, more like white) hairs weekly. You have to be kidding me, that at not quite twenty-three I’m already starting to go grey!? Not okay. And besides that, my left eye has been twitching on and off for more than a week now. That is usually a sign of stress for me, but I haven’t felt stressed in the usual way. Normally it’s when I have too much to do and not enough time to do it that a twitch becomes a normal part of my day or week.
This time around, I feel it is more emotional stress than anything which would bring about such a symptom. Daily battles against Satan’s lies and within my own heart have been wearing me down. When the battle in my heart increases, I don’t give the time and energy to fighting Satan, and then he starts to win. Something has to go… I’m just not entirely sure what, or how.
I need wisdom. And grace. And rest.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Being Present is Enough
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The city was hazy today. It has not rained for too long; the air hung heavy with pollution. All day the sunshine was milky, and tonight as I drove home the city lights were muted. Even the outline of Doi Suthep, usually dark against the sky, was invisible, and the temple lights were dim--clouded. Only the stars, rising higher than the haze, shone as bright as ever, boasting in their height in the heavens.
Some nights I throw open my windows to gaze out over the sleeping city and revel in the beauty of the stars. On nights like this one, when all is still and silent, I know God loves me as lighted lanterns suddenly rise in the eastern sky, dancing in formation. I don't know what the occasion is, except that God knows how much I adore that sight and wanted to bless me.
It is enough.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
TFD (Thai Fire Department)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Learning what Love Really Means

Friday, January 27, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
This is the moment when they all look alike, and your heart starts pounding at the back of every head. That’s him. For a split second you’re sure it must be, but with a turn in your direction you are proved wrong and your pulse momentarily slows. So many warring thoughts run recklessly through your mind. You long for the actual sight of him, yet dread it as well, knowing that with it comes the need for you to deny his love, to kill his hopes. You know very well that this is the thing you hate doing most in the world. You feel like a murderer, awaiting your unaware prey, but you’re killing a part of your own heart too.
You feel sick. So sick. And you can barely breathe, hardly move…….............. there he is.
And afterwards, as he walks away, you sit in the parking lot and cry.