Friday, December 31, 2010

Not Home Yet

Two weeks is such a tease.

I finally feel like I’m part of life at home, and then it’s time to leave again.

I guess it is a reminder that this world is not my home, and I shouldn’t become comfortable here. I have all of eternity to rest and be at ease, so why should I take time now to do so? There is work to be done.

I am an alien and stranger on earth. Why do I contend with that so strongly at times? I want nothing more than to belong—to belong to a certain life; to belong to a home; to belong to someone; and yet I belong only to Christ. Christ is my only claim in this life—I have no other.

So, two weeks, a taste of Home—joyous laughter; a quiet night with beloved; deep rest; experiencing my father’s heart; blessing upon blessing upon blessing…

Oh God, remind me of the brevity of life and the importance of speaking for You with every word that is given me. This is not where I belong, and I have been called to live with eternity’s values in view. So let me not rest in a shadowy vision of what is to come—let me not make this my home. I don’t want to become content with a counterfeit happiness.

I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting, and I will hold onto Jesus for life.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Laying Down My Arms

I read this excerpt from C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity tonight and it really hit me. How much of myself do I continually hold back from the Lord? What rights do I continually cling to that aren't even mine to grasp? The only liberty I have as a Christian is to give up my rights.

"The Christian way is different: harder, and easier. Christ says, "Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want all of you. I have not come to torment your natural flesh, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there. I want to have the whole tree down. I don't want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out. Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked--the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours."

Oh Jesus, teach me how to give my whole self to You, as You have given Your whole self to me.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Wonderlands and Pleasures of Life

Well, a simple attempt in taking out the trash tonight turned into wading through 2 feet of snow to get back inside my dorm building.... It's a little chilly out there! A blizzard came through yesterday, dumping 15 or so inches of snow on the foot we already had. We have as much snow right now as we had at the end of winter last year. Oh, Minnesota. :)

In other news, I had a great week, and am looking forward to another busy but excellent week again. :) I am currently taking First Corinthians and loving it. Our teacher is chock full of spiritual wisdom, so I'm clinging to as much of it as I can. Mentoring this week has been superb as well--hard, but soooo good! Last week was tough because I felt like I forgot how to mentor over my Thanksgiving break, but this week the Lord brought me back and was blessing my one on ones with my girls each day. I am thrilled and so humbled that He chooses a weak vessel such as myself to shepherd these girls. What a blessing and privilege!

On Friday I travel home again to FL to spend Christmas with my family. Can you say stoked?! Here's what I'm looking forward to:
  • loving on my new baby niece =)
  • strolling along Park Ave. with my Mama in Winter Park
  • listening to the wisdom of my Papa in simple daily conversation
  • hiding out with my baby sister at our secret spots to get some quality 1-on-1 time
  • laughing with the greatest family in the world
  • giving back massages to anyone wanting one
  • enjoying the presence of my newest little sister, our foreign exchange student, Trie :)
  • experiencing the remarkable blessings of my Lord with my family--most grateful recipients!
I have much to be excited for this Christmas season. What are you most looking forward to?

Rejoicing always for His abundant care,


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Banquet of Blessing

Reggie came well dressed in a sharp black sweater, good jeans, and black dress shoes, standing in a stark contrast with most in the crowded club. The faces sitting at surrounding tables were dressed in their best, which also happened for most to be the only outfit they owned. The scene was a banquet, open to all, but particularly to the poor and outcast of urban Minneapolis (read Luke 14:15-24 to understand what we modeled this banquet after). I watched from my seat as the tables in the Christian club downtown filled up quickly all around me, until I was the only table host without any guests. Disappointed, I waited and prayed for the Lord to bring the right person to me. Then he came, and though I never met him before that Monday night, I don't think I'll ever forget his face.

Reggie, unlike most of the guests at our big outreach event that night, was not homeless, though I found as he told me his story that that had not always been the case. We greeted each other with smiles and for the next hour over dinner I listened as he told me his incredible story. I was surprised to find that Reggie was a fellow Christian--not just nominally, but truly a follower of Christ. I have found that many times when I think I am going to be evangelizing, the Lord brings along fellow believers to encourage and be encouraged. As Reggie shared his testimony with me that night he paused many times, wondering aloud why he was sharing so much, and why he had even come to the banquet. I assured him that I was encouraged by his story, urged him to go on, and told him that God wanted him at the banquet even if he did not know why. This was enough reassurance for him, and he continued to tell me with tears in his eyes of all the ways God had proven Himself faithful over the years. At some point during the conversation he paused thoughtfully, then continued, saying, "It has taken 51 years for me to finally come to the point that my life is fully God's.... not God's and Reggie's." I looked with joy at him, knowing that he was realizing as he shared with me that it had taken his whole life--51 years of it--for him to come to a place of full surrender to God, and yet the joyous thing was that he had come to that place! He declared to me that his life was not his own, but belonged fully to the Lord. Oh the joy of sweet surrender!

I may never see Reggie again, but I was blessed by our encounter over dinner that night. Many lives were touched at the banquet, and I pray that his was as we encouraged each other as brother and sister in Christ. I look forward to the day when I will rejoice for all eternity with Reggie in the presence of Jesus--the one to whom we both have surrendered our lives.

Rejoice with us!


Sunday, November 21, 2010


On Friday night at dinner, my classmates and I were made aware that our Global Internship assignments were available to us--finally. After a mad dash upstairs to our mailboxes and some excited screaming and hugging, we all returned back to the cafeteria to finish our abandoned dinner and share with each other where we had been assigned for our Internships. I am excited to inform you all that next September I will, Lord willing, be heading to Thailand for 16 months!

I am thrilled about this incredible opportunity that I have to live overseas during my internship. I will be learning Thai (already starting to a little bit actually!), studying the culture, taking classes, and working among the Thai people to bring the gospel to one of the least-reached nations of the world. Please pray for me as I begin with my team to prepare for heading over there in 9 short months!

I will keep you all updated as more details come in for GI. Thank you all for your prayers, and please continue them. I am so grateful for your support! Blessings to you all :)

Rejoicing Always,


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Work Continues

The world is slowly melting from white back into the muted browns and greys of the last weeks of autumn. We had an unexpected snowstorm last weekend, but the temperatures aren't quite cold enough to keep the snow around. I'm not quite ready for the snow to stick around either, so I'm glad that we get a few more days of autumn before the long winter sets in! I did greatly enjoy watching some more snow fall this morning, though I think I would have enjoyed it a little better if I had been snuggled up with a book and hot tea rather than sitting in class.... But that's life for ya. ;)

Class has proved challenging for me this past week and a half. I'm taking Microenterprises... and though very interesting, it is not readily understandable to me on all accounts. I'm not big into economical stuff, so at this point I'm still trying to figure out why I registered for this class... But after this weekend when my 10-page research paper is done and Thanksgiving break is on its way I think I will be able to see with a little more clarity than I currently have!

I had a marvelous time with my parents over the weekend. We were truly blessed to have such a fun time together, and I was blessed immensely by their visit and generosity to me. :)

Here we are at Minnehaha Falls enjoying the lovely (and chilly!) November afternoon

We're sorta silly :)

The Lord's work continues, both in my life and in the lives of my girls... I am amazed that He just keeps pressing further and further into every area of my life. He is so gracious. And that is what I am aiming for too. But what do you do when He points out the root of all your weakest areas and asks you to deal with the problem? Haha.... I was caught off guard last night when He showed me the depths of my pride... it is the foundation for all other sins and I am a little bit at a loss of how to start the process of overcoming it now. I am just so relieved that the Lord is not one to show me my sin and abandon me to deal with it on my own. He started a good work in me and He will complete it. Amen!

Rejoicing in His work,


Saturday, November 6, 2010

First Week of November

Well, I woke up this morning a little sick.... :( It's the first time that I have been sick this whole semester, which is a huge improvement from last year, but it's a bummer that something finally got me! It's only a mild cold--sore throat, runny nose, a little dizziness--and hopefully with plenty of rest and continuing to take my vitamins I'll be able to kick it in a few days. Please pray for complete healing within the week!

My parents are coming up to visit me next weekend and I am stoked! They haven't ever been up here, so it will be an awesome time with them. Hopefully I won't have too much homework so I will be able to spend as much time with them as possible. This weekend is pretty relaxed-- just finishing up some homework for Old Testament class and getting caught up on things. Pray for productivity!

Speaking of class, we just finished OT this week... such an insightful class! It really made some things clear for me that I was confused about. It is crazy how I can "know" the Bible and all its stories and yet still be missing so much and understand so little about it! It is great to have found some answers, and once again I have been inspired to go deeper on my own and find answers to things that I don't yet understand. :) On Monday I start my two week elective course, Microenterprises. Should be interesting! I really have no idea what it'll be about, haha....

If I haven't mentioned before, I am going home for Thanksgiving! Holly and I are going to FL, thanks to my amazing family! Praise the Lord... it'll be a wonderful time. So, many things to look forward to. Please continue to pray for me and my girls, and please, contact me! I love hearing from you all! Be blessed, my friends :)

Rejoicing always,


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Snapshot of My Life

I just wanted to post this picture for you guys.... kinda sums up my life at the moment (and a theme for the year it seems). Here I am clinging to the Cross and holding onto my girl -- the perfect summation! The Cross is the one thing I desperately cling to, and yet find my arms wrapped around my beautiful girls to draw them closer to the Cross as well. Man I love my job. :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Longing of My Heart

Another week at BCOM -- another week causing me to be closer to the Lord, farther from myself, more disinterested with the cares of this world, and longing more for the day when I can see His face. In all honesty, that's how my week has been. Some days I so just long for nothing more than to leave this place and be at His side. It's not that my life here is bad--but I know how superior life in His eternal presence will be, and I long for that. I just can't wait to see Jesus smile...

And yet I am called to live here for now, and called by no one less than God Himself, so I must live that out! How difficult the Christian life is! Yet how full of hope. I know only a small glimpse of what life will look like after I'm done with life here, but oh! how beautiful that glimpse is!

Things have been pretty typical this week-- class, homework, putting to death the flesh, putting to death the flesh the next day, or hour, or moment... speaking the words the Spirit gives me (because Lord knows it's not I who speak anything wise!), growing in God, and crying out for mercy when I once again make an idol out of the things in my life instead of worshiping the Lord.

I have had the pleasure of forming a new friendship this week; the Lord has once again blessed me with a kindred spirit. I love when He does that. :) Heather is a sweetheart who loves the Lord and enjoys life -- my favorite kind of person!

Keep praying for me, because I covet your prayers. I agree with Paul in saying I am the very least of all the sinners... and yet His grace is abundant and His love for me unending.

Titus 2:11-13 "For the grace of God has appeared, with salvation for all people, instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, while we wait for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ." Amen and amen.

Rejoicing always, and longing for His return,


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Goodness and Mercy

It's wild how fast the time passes here. I feel like I just updated my blog, and yet it's been weeks! Sorry for the delay, friends. I have been busy living!

Oh the Lord is good. That has been my theme over the past few weeks. Every day He brings me back to that truth, whether I had been sitting in sunshine or a torrent, He calmly guides me with His steady hand and sets my mind upon His goodness. Lately He has been impressing on my mind Isaiah 42:16, which says, "I will lead the blind by a way they did not know; I will guide them on paths they have not known. I will turn darkness to light in front of them, and rough places into level ground. This is what I will do for them, and I will not forsake them." I am definitely being led on an unfamiliar path, but I have a good and faithful guide, so though I cannot see where this path is leading me, I can at least trust my Leader.

These verses have been my stronghold, and the promises I cling to.... the hope that keeps me trusting:

Psalm 27:13-14
I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Psalm 16:5-6
Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.

Psalm 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me! It's a guarantee! What a promise from the Lord!! He has been showing me that He has nothing but good things in store for me -- from my personal time with God to class, that is the theme!

Speaking of class, we just finished our 2-week Theology course, and I could have stayed in that class for the rest of the semester! Never have I enjoyed a class so much! It has inspired me more than any other class to dive deeper into the Word and discover more of the indescribable God we serve. I loved learning about His attributes, and I became so much more curious to know Him more. The more I know Him, the more I trust Him, and I think that is reason enough for anyone to study the character of God.

The more I seek Him, the more I find Him; the more I find Him, the more I love Him.

Holly and I may have just become Theology Nerds because of this class as well.... It happens. =)

So, there's a little meat for you to chew on! Keep me in your prayers as the Lord continues His refining work!

Rejoicing always!


Friday, October 8, 2010

A Love Story

On the shores of Island Lake Reservoir, Duluth, MN

Upon discovering the clear night sky filled with thousands of twinkling stars, my friends and I grabbed jackets and blankets and ran down to the lake where we laid on the shore, huddled together to stay warm. There we watched the heavens. I have never seen a more beautiful sight; even now I am breathless remembering the glory and painful beauty of that night.

I was mesmerized. There it was--the Milky Way--shining in all its brilliance before my eyes. Every few minutes we would see a shooting star flung across the sky, and decided that our Daddy in the Heavens was blowing kisses at His daughters, so we blew Him some back. Our voices rose in choruses of praise and delight as we sang to our Lover. We spoke aloud to our Daddy in English, Spanish, and unknown languages, glorifying the Name that is above every other name and loving the beauty that is He. The night was timeless--we were so captivated by the Creative One that we forgot to count the moments. The only tellers of time were our toes, now numb from the cold, and aching bodies begging for relaxation from being so tightly curled up to ward off the chilly night air.

When we could no longer feel our feet we prayed for one final kiss goodnight from Daddy. We asked for it to be a big one--impossible to miss--a light that we would all see, and that would glide across the entire night sky. We waited patiently, knowing that He would not disappoint us, sometimes singing and talking to God, sometimes lying in silent expectation. While we waited He gave each of us individual kisses--shooting stars that only one of us would see at a time. But still we waited, not satisfied because we asked of the Lord and knew we would receive, even as we got colder and colder. Patience was wearing thin.

Finally, out of the very corner of my eye I saw a bright light that I had not noticed before, and I turned to my right to discover what was distracting me from the brilliant sky above. My heart leapt within me and I sat straight up more excited than I have ever been in my life as I saw a radiant, yellow-orange crescent moon rising over the quiet lake. I cried out to the girls beside me that our kiss from heaven had come -- and it had. It met every standard we had prayed for: big and impossible to miss, one we would all see together, and that would go across the entire sky. At this point we were enraptured with our Lover, worshiping Him now with dance and shouts of joy, spinning around on the rocky shore in love with the Creator.

The next morning our hearts were still singing love songs, remembering the way our Lover had romanced us on the dark, starry night before, and we read love notes to keep the fire burning...

"You have captured my heart, my sister, my bride. You have captured my heart with one glance of your eyes." (Song of Songs 4:9)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Catching my Breath

Could it be that in the midst of 3 of the craziest weeks of my existence that I actually get a break?? Indeed it is so.... today I amazingly have some time off from my busy life and I am using it to catch up on the life that I've been absent from for a couple weeks! I actually skipped class this morning, which is something I never do, but was necessary. I needed rest, and I needed some time to breathe this morning. This afternoon one of my many meetings was canceled which freed up even more time, so by the grace of God I have a free day! Praise the Lord!

There is so much to tell and not enough time to tell it all, so I will just hit the highlights! First off, we are in the last week of our World Religions course, and the homework load has finally died down a little bit. I had to choose a major world religion to write a paper on, and chose Buddhism because that is the religion of Thailand, where I am interested in going on internship. I was getting so excited while writing my paper to at some point share the love of Christ with people of this religion... the Lord is birthing in me a heart for Buddhists, and I can't wait to have opportunity to interact with them!

As I mentioned in earlier posts, I am working weekly with the Life Center in downtown Minneapolis. This past week our team was divided up and stuck in a room with several kids assigned to us for the purpose of tutoring them. It was very unstructured and chaotic, but I'm hoping that as time goes on we will be able to bring more stability and structure to the program and really be able to help out with the kids we are working with. I was working with 1st-3rd grades, balancing between helping the one who had homework and keeping all the others who didn't in line! It was quite a feat on my own and I left the center exhausted! But I know the Lord is giving me a heart for these inner city kids who rarely or never are shown real love and affection and never get one-on-one time with someone who cares about them. So pray that the Lord would use me in their lives!

God has been doing a lot of work in the lives of my girls. We do something at BCOM called prayer ministry, where we essentially pray through things that people are struggling with and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation. Last week I had 3 prayer ministry appointments with 3 of my girls, and the Lord truly brought light into situations, and broke down walls that had been built for years. I am seeing great growth in their lives. Please pray that that growth would continue! This past weekend I took them on retreat to a cabin in Duluth, and we had a great time of bonding and experiencing the Lord's love for us. Here is a photo of myself and my girls:

I had the great honor of baptizing one of my girls as well over the weekend, which was a new and incredible experience for me. The water was freezing, but it was worth it! :)

Aside from all the busy to-do's in my life, the Lord has also been teaching me about His irrevocable love for me, and especially about the Father's heart. This has been something very necessary for me in the last few weeks, especially since my recent break-up, and feeling the need for love and wanting the protective, adoring love of a father. Since my own father is not nearby, I have had to turn in a new way to the Father in Heaven and have been anything but disappointed by what I have found in His arms. Oh, His heart for me is incredible! Just think on these things, the things He says to me...

"I know everything about you..." (Psalm 139:1) "I chose you when I planned creation..." (Ephesians 1:11-12) "You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book..." (Psalm 139:15-16) "I am not distant and angry, but I am the complete expression of love..." (1 John 4:16) "I offer you more than your earthly father ever could..." (Matthew 7:11) "My plan for your future has always been filled with hope..." (Jeremiah 29:11) "My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore..." (Psalm 139:17-18) "When you are brokenhearted I am close to you..." (Psalm 34:18)

This is just a sampling of all the things that the Father says to me, and the other night I just meditated on these truths, allowing them to sink into the core of who I am so that they and I become inseparable. I want these things to define who I am so that in the midst of life's crises I do not forget the truth about who my Father says I am. I am falling more in love daily....

More will come later, but I don't want to drag this on for now. Thank you for reading, and please keep me in your prayers. I am blessed by you.

Rejoicing Always,


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I can't sleep at night when I'm frustrated. Last night was no exception. It is not often that frustration causes sleeplessness for me; in fact it is really only when I've done something that is not good for me that I become frustrated, and that opens the door to other reckless emotions. Then I toss and turn in bed, unable to release the torrent of thoughts heaving through my mind. I should have known better than to do something that, on top of all that is already going on in my mind and heart, would cause me distress. Yet last night I had done it, and then bore the consequences later by attaining anything but rest. Finally, I broke, and in my bed the frustration ran down my cheeks and wet my pillow.

Frustration that he told me he loved me. Frustration that promises were made that now will never be fulfilled. Frustration that I can't know what he is thinking and feeling. Frustration that I lack answers to the many questions being asked of me. Frustration towards myself for being frustrated. And frustration that in this place I have no time to process everything!

The emotion released, I finally rested, but my swollen eyes this morning are witnesses to the outbreak of last night's frustrations.... and still I have no answers.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lord Help!

Just a quickie update for you all! This week has been INSANE..... and that's why I'm updating, because I need your prayers!

We started our second class on Monday, World Religions, and though the teaching has been awesome, the homework load has been heeeeaaaavy! I literally have had next to no time to work on the BIG assignments that we have had, and after pleading with our teacher, our class convinced him that it was just too much for the amount of time we have to do things. So he graciously cut back on one assignment, but I still don't know when I'm gonna get that one done! So-- I have been overwhelmed with homework, and dealing with things with my girls, and dealing with my own personal life and the struggles I am facing at this time. It's just been a lot... and I know it's not too much, or the Lord wouldn't have given it all to me to deal with, but still. So, I am saying, "Lord, help!" this week because I cannot do this all by myself, and I ask you to lift me up in prayer!

This weekend my sophomore cell group is going on retreat, so I am supposed to have "mandatory fun" while I have a million things looming over me waiting to be accomplished! Pray that I would actually be able to relax and enjoy myself with my friends this weekend instead of worrying about all that needs to be done. Also, I went to bed last night feeling like I was getting sick, and though I am doing alright today, I know my body is still fighting it off, and Holly woke up with a sore throat. Continue to pray that I would stay healthy and get loooots of rest, because I can't afford to get sick! Pray for Holly's healing as well!

The Lord is still faithful to me and good to me, and that is what I have to boast in!!!

Still Rejoicing!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Summer's Passing Quickly

Outside my window the green leaves are turning golden, and the breeze is more chilly than refreshing; autumn is coming on. And as the weather changes, so does my life. The Lord has been bringing big changes into my life at this time, but I can testify to His goodness! He is SO faithful to my heart, and I have absolutely no doubt that He has extraordinary things in store for my future.

I have come to the conclusion that I am an experiential learner, as the Lord is always bringing experiences my way, which can often be painful but always give the best lessons. And I know that the Lord has me learn from my experiences so that I can speak from them in ministering to others... it's all part of His plan-- and definitely comes as a surprise to myself sometimes. By now though I should just start to expect it!

I have been learning about the power of the Holy Spirit lately, and how God longs to pour out His Spirit upon us. He has encountered me in a very real way and I am excited to see the ways that He will continue to make His power known to me! We serve a powerful God!!

Here's a pic of Holly and I from a walk yesterday afternoon. What an incomparable blessing it is to have my best friend with me all the time. I am spoiled rotten. :)

  • Please pray for me as I continue to walk out thing things that the Lord is doing in my life. I have great trust in Him, but Satan will want to undermine that, so pray against attacks from the enemy during this time.
  • We begin our college-wide outreach this week, and I am going to be working in downtown Minneapolis at the Life Center with inner city kids. I'm excited to begin! Pray for opportunities to speak life and the love of Christ into the lives I'll be working with!
  • Continue to pray for wisdom as I lead my girls. God is teaching me LOTS through them!
  • This week I have an interview with the staff at Bethany International for my Global Internship! If I'm accepted then I will officially be heading on Global Internship next August! Pray that the Lord will be preparing me for that next step (and of course that I'll be accepted for GI!) :)
  • Ryan got his MRI and spinal tap results back on Wednesday and it was confirmed that he has MS. Please pray with me for his healing and for peace as he learns to live with this diagnosis until the Lord heals him!
Thank you all for your prayers, and please continue them! Be blessed, my friends. Love you all!

Rejoicing always,


Saturday, September 11, 2010


It's about time I finally updated my blog! It has been on my list of things to do all week, and since this has been the first opportunity I have had to update, you can imagine how busy I have been! I have been on a roller coaster of sorts... some days are absolutely fabulous with classes and mentoring my girls, and other days I feel like if Jesus called me Home at that moment I would have absolutely no objection (well to be honest I'd never have any objection except that I feel like my work on earth isn't done yet, but that's beside the point!). What I'm trying to say is that the last two weeks have been very challenging, yet at times very rewarding as well. Such is life as a mentor at BCOM!

I'll try to hit the highlights of the past two weeks:
  • I started one-on-ones with my girls. Some I walk out of absolutely refreshed and feeling alive, and some I walk out of feeling drained and absolutely incapable. It keeps me coming back to the Source of my strength for this journey I'm on! I am dealing with things with some of my girls that I have never in my life had to deal with before, and I have no clue how to help lead them out of their brokenness and answer their excellent questions. I'm praying for an abundance of wisdom!
  • Right now I'm still in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Community class. Learning a lot about the Church, but many days I'm saddened more than anything by what I learn, because the Church today is so far from what the Lord intended it to be! We have one week left of this class before taking World Religions!
  • Last Sunday I had a new experience: the Minnesota State Fair. Ryan and I went with part of his family--and walked around the HUGE fair for 11 hours! I was a bit worn out, as you can imagine, but it was a fun time.
  • My best friend from FL, Brooke, is now going to Crown College, a mere 30 minute drive from BCOM, so we were able to spend some time together last weekend. She and Holly and I had a blast together!!! Praise the Lord for best friends!
  • Cell group has been awesome the last two weeks with my girls. I am blessed with such an amazing group. We have good discussions, we encourage one another, and we have fun! What more could you ask for? We are going to be reading the book The Five Love Languages together to better learn how to love each member of our group! Pray that the Lord would continue to inspire me to lead these beautiful women of the Lord!! I am currently planning our cell group retreat for the first weekend of October, and am looking forward to the time of bonding that we will experience at that time.
  • The Lord has been teaching me this week the great importance of seeking Him out each and every day... something you would think that by this time I would fully understand, but I am just now grasping the gravity of it! I have been much more diligent this week to set aside portions of my days to spend sitting at His feet and have been blessed beyond measure. Pray that I would continue to seek Him out and that I would find the joy of being lovesick for Christ!
  • Praise the Lord I have not once gotten sick while I have been here so far! I had allergies for about a week, but that was minor. Almost all of my girls were sick last week and I managed by the grace of God to stay healthy through it all. He is SO GOOD! Pray for continued protection against sickness.
  • Please also pray for wisdom in my relationship with Ryan--that the Lord would continue to direct us and that we would seek Him first and foremost. Pray for Ryan's health--he had an MRI and spinal tap this week to confirm his health situation. More info to come.
I think that is it for now. I will work on being a little more diligent with keeping you all updated! Please continue to lift me up in prayer, and thank you for your love and support in what I am doing here!

Rejoicing Always!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Room!

Thought you all might enjoy some photos of mine and Holly's room!

Here's Holl relaxing on her bed
And another shot of our bedsMy shelf and entrance to our room

Our desks--side by side so we can look out at the sunshine together =) Oh, and check out our groovy Ikea light!
The awesome banner thingie that some of the sophomores here made for me! So encouraging!

Another shot of our desks from Holl's bed
Hope you enjoyed them! I'll try to post more photos as we have more fun! :)

Oh, and here's a look at the crazy people living in this room!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

First Week with the Girls!

Just a quick update to let you all know how things are going! I met all of my girls on Monday--all but one that is, because one of them ended up not coming to school here. So I am now mentoring 6 beautiful women of the Lord and I love them already! We had our first cell group meeting on Tuesday and we begin one-on-ones this coming week. I am blessed to be able to have these 6 girls in my life this year; I know that the Lord is going to use them to speak into my life and teach me many things!
On another note, today was our first day of class for the Fall semester-- Evangelism, Discipleship, and Community. As part of class today we broke up into groups of four and shared our testimonies with each other. I loved it, because sharing your testimony gets to such a deep part of your life opens up a whole new realm of who you are to others. I was very encouraged by it, and am looking forward to what else this class will bring. And hopefully I'll even learn more about discipling to benefit myself and my girls as I mentor!
My roomie unfortunately came down with a cold a couple days ago, and since then my body has been fighting getting the same, so please pray that my immune system would stay strong! I'm trying to get enough rest, but it proves difficult with my schedule! Thank you for your endless prayers on my behalf. :)

Rejoicing Always,


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


By the grace of God, I am what I am.

And yet I have so far to go. Funny how the times I think I am ready to minister to others the Lord totally shatters my paradigm and instead I end up being ministered to. The times I think I have it all together the Lord reminds me that I am a broken vessel capable of nothing on my own.
But then He shows me grace.
Oh grace, that undeserved favor. Grace— that preciousness, that kindness—bestowed upon one so unworthy. That glorious reminder that without the King of Kings life is gone. But, oh, grace abounds, and because it does, I go on. The Creator of this broken vessel sees fit to lift my face and speak life over me. He sings His delight over me and pours life back into me.
“Without You I have nothing. Without You life is gone. Without You I have nothing but these broken words and lifeless melody that lead me to this empty song. Will You be the words I sing? Will you be my melody? Will You be the song that I sing, and the life within me? Will You be my everything?” (Audra Lynn)

By the grace of God, I am what I am.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Home Away From Home

Well, friends, it's that time again! Actually this update is definitely not as punctual as I would have liked for it to be. I am once again in Minnesota -- that blessed state. For those of you who have never been, you are missing out, I tell ya. Life since I got here has been wild! I'm looking forward to having some down time... when I go home at Christmas! Ok, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but honestly, this is gonna be a wild year. I have been in meetings every day this week pertaining to either sophomore re-entry stuff or mentoring information. It's a lot!!! I am still very excited about being a mentor, but now I'm looking at this year a little more realistically and realizing it will be a very challenging one. I know that it is going to be a year of a lot of sacrifice and I am praying for the Lord's grace and power to not just survive, but thrive -- to reach new heights in my relationship with the Lord and others, and to be able to see great growth in the lives of my girls. I'm looking ahead to the prize.

The Lord has been pouring out blessings upon me during my 5 days here, primarily through my wonderful roommate and best friend, Holly. She has been a constant encouragement and insane blessing to me, doing things like unpacking all my belongings for me while I sit in long meetings! Who does that?! Haha! Only my wonderful Holly Doll. :) I am praying that the Lord gives me opportunities to bless her as well. I really feel like she is going to be one of the greatest blessings to me throughout this entire year.

Also, as you can imagine, it has been wonderful being back with Ryan again. He is heading into one of his busiest seasons as he coaches volleyball at North Central University, so I have been comparing my schedule to his and hoping we get some time to see each other this fall.... Haha, ok so it won't be quite that bad, but we are both going to be exceedingly busy and I am looking forward to the times when we will be able to enjoy each other's company during this time. Pray for us both!

Overall, I feel like the Lord is ready to do some refining work in my life, asking me what I am going to be willing to let go of in order to get the most out of this year. He wants me to let go of the things that are fleeting and live each day with eternity's values in view.

Please pray for me as I begin this next year. The Lord has so much in store for me!

::Pray for the freshman class coming on Monday, that the Lord would be preparing their hearts for what He wants to do in them this year.
::Pray that I would not be overwhelmed by everything on my plate, but would just take things one day at a time trusting the Lord to sustain me through a very busy, very challenging (but also quite possibly very rewarding!) season of life.
::Pray that I would not get sick this year. I am prone to get sick, especially under such stress and without enough rest. Please pray with me that the Lord would just protect me completely from getting sick!

Thank you everyone for your support and love! I could not do this without you. You are the wind beneath my wings! :)

Rejoicing Always!


Monday, August 9, 2010

At the Crossroads

It is these moments in life that are bittersweet. I'm on the brink of a new adventure -- in just one week I will be leaving home to live at school for another eight months. This is a time that I know will challenge me and grow me in ways that I would not experience growth if I remained at home with my family. I am very excited about what these next few months will bring, and I'm eager to live them with purpose, seizing each and every divine moment. On the other hand however, I am leaving home. Last night (and this whole summer really) I enjoyed beautiful moments with my family... basking in their love and laughing till I cried. It is those times in my life that remind me of what is really important, and I am rebuked for all the time I have wasted on worthless things when I could have been pouring into the lives of my family and receiving blessing.

So I am at a crossroads which I almost prefer not to find myself standing at. In walking forward I am seizing one thing and letting go of another. I know what I am missing when I am away from home and it makes my heart ache. Yet when the Lord has called me forward what can I do but walk forward and remember that "If I must go, things I trust will be better off without me" (Caedmon's Call)? God has ordained and purposed that I be away from my family at this time -- probably as much for their good as for mine, in whatever mysterious way the Lord works. I trust Him, and so I take leave.

Already, I know I have greater adventures awaiting me at Bethany than I originally thought. As of last Friday I have decided to step into a role a great responsibility: I am going to be a mentor for the incoming freshman class. The dean at my school called me on Wednesday asking me to consider stepping into this position, and I have agreed to do so -- after much prayer and consultation of my many advisors! I will have a cell group of 7 freshman girls that I will meet with one-on-one once a week and also lead as a group weekly as well. My heart is thrilled at this opportunity; it is something I have dreamed of doing since I was in middle school. I will be able to disciple this group of young women and perhaps have great impact in their lives during this school year. I know my mentor last year at school played a huge part in my spiritual growth. So I am excited at the idea, but also know that it will be a huge responsibility to lead these girls, manage my own classes, and be in a serious relationship all at the same time. Yet I know that He who calls me is faithful, who also will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24)! Without the Lord, I am not confident at all that I can do this, but with the Lord I know that I do nothing on my own and that He will use me in the lives of my girls and use them in my life too! It is an exciting prospect.

So at this moment, looking at my last week home before I embark on a new adventure, I am making one decision, and that is to hold on to the hand of my Savior with all my might, and to hold loosely to the things that are fleeting. It is all I can do -- I am declaring my dependence on Christ.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let Me Share My Joy

Tonight I'm smiling simply because the Lord is good to me. Do you ever just sense His delight in you in a way that can't really be expressed except through smiling or singing? That is how I feel tonight. I feel delighted in. I keep thinking of the verses in Psalm 16: "LORD, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance" (verses 5 & 6). Oh how GOOD the Lord is to me!

I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions over the past week, but have come out from them all with an incredible peace that passes understanding. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus! God has brought me to some things in my life right now that I never once imagined myself ever experiencing. What do you do when God brings you to a point where you can do absolutely nothing but rely on Him? Declare your total dependence on Him and thank Him for the opportunity to trust Him!! At least, that is what He has been asking me to do! At this point I won't go into too much detail of what all I am experiencing... but if you really wish to know send me an email or message on Facebook. I'll be happy to give more info there. =) Throughout this week God has blessed me with an abundance of peace and joy and I just needed to share that with you all. How great is our God!

In other news, in only two and a half weeks I move back to Minnesota! This time last year my room was in total disarray as I prepared to move my belongings north. This time around, I haven't touched a single thing in preparation for moving and probably won't until the week before I leave. Let's just say I've learned how to move a little more efficiently and won't be tearing apart my bedroom in order to move it this time! My excitement is growing each day, though I am not at all looking forward to saying goodbye to my family and friends.... it seems like I just moved home and now I'll be heading out once again! It is only "easier" to do so because I know that I have been called to this life that I lead by no one less than God Himself!

I ask that you join me in prayer during this time! Pray for:
:: my boyfriend who is leading a mission trip in Honduras right now. Pray that the Lord would touch many lives!
:: myself as I continue to work and save money. Pray for opportunities to speak into the lives of my coworkers, and continued provision of all I will need to cover my costs while I am away at school!
:: all the little details of moving to work themselves out (once I actually begin that process!)
:: continued peace and joy as I seek FIRST the Lord and His righteousness!

Rejoicing always!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Very First

Hello to all who may be reading!

This is my first attempt at ever having a blog so-- here goes nothing! I thought it would be a good idea to have a blog that I can update regularly (hopefully I'll actually update it regularly... no promises!) while I am away at school and living life apart from so many of my friends! You might be thinking "Isn't this a little belated?" seeing as I've already been away to school for a year. Yes, you are right. I considered it last year and just never got around to making the blog, so this is a step in the right direction.

For those who may not know, I am getting ready to return to the beautiful city of Bloomington, MN in 4 weeks from today in order to begin my sophomore year at Bethany College of Missions where I am majoring in Intercultural Studies. It is a missionary training program of four years, and I am stoked about returning for my second year! The Lord did great things in my life during my previous year at BCOM and I know He has much in store for me this year as well.

However, I'll not go into too much more detail on that matter since this is after all my introductory blog and not my life story! I hope that you find enjoyment in keeping up with my life away from home and hopefully I'll give you plenty of reasons to continue reading my posts (as in..... they're actually interesting!). For now, this is all. Goodnight, God bless, and I look forward to posting again and keeping you all up to date on my life!

Rejoicing always!