Friday, September 30, 2011

Chiang Mai Flooding

Milky brown cold water lapped our feet and steamed off the hot mufflers as we drove down the highway this morning. The Ping River—normally hundreds of feet from the highway—had now overtaken all within its path as it rose from weeks of previous rain. Today we had language class, and what would normally take 20 minutes of driving time on our motorbikes took an hour as we tried to find routes around the flooded areas. When we determined it was impossible to completely avoid, we plowed slowly through the muddy river water on the highway, cars spraying us as they drove past. We looked down on homes and businesses destroyed, and saw restaurants where we had eaten only days before, four feet deep in the flood.

The people of Chiang Mai need your prayers!Please take some time to pray for the waters to recede, and for renewed hope to come to Chiang Mai from the God of all hope!

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